
Terms & Conditions - Instagram

As we love great content, we may request your approval to share your Instagram picture(s) in our channels. Mainly our website horseonline.se, other channels may also be newsletter, our own Instagram-channel @horseonlinese, and printed materials.

By responding #yeshorseonline on a picture after our request on Instagram, hereby referred to as picture(s), you agree to the following:

You provide Horseonline AB (559123-9925) a non-exclusive, royalty-free worldwide license to use your picture(s) in our marketing and/or advertising, including our gallery on the website, newsletters, e-mail and other customer communications, printed materials and other marketing purposes.

You warrant that you own the rights to the submitted material and that you have all and any permission(s) required from the person(s) appearing in the picture(s). You guarantee that the use of your picture(s) by Horseonline AB will not violate any third party right or any law.

Hereby, you release Horseonline AB from all obligations to pay you for the use of your picture(s) and for the intellectual property rights of those associated with above described uses, thereby freeing and agreeing to keep Horseonline AB and all persons acting for Horseonline AB from all claims (including claims from third parties), liabilities, irrespective of nature, in connection with the use of the picture(s) as described above.

Reach out to us on matters of privacy and data protection by contacting us at kundservice@horseonline.se

Thank you for helping us share your wonderful pictures!

.... Så, vad är det vi säger?

Kort sagt - ser vi en Instagram-bild som vi gillar skarpt, så pass att vi vill publicera den, så kommer vi vilja be om din tillåtelse att använda denna bild där vi anser att den lämpligt passar in. Vi litar också på att du äger rätten att ge en sådan tillåtelse, vilket innebär att eventuella skadeståndskrav också landar hos dig. Men, så länge det är din bild - eller en bild du har förfoganderätten över, så blir det inga problem! Genom att svara #yeshorseonline får vi lov att använda bilden i de avseenden vi anser passande, utan ekonomisk ersättning till dig, däremot får ju din snygga bild extra publicitet genom våra kanaler!

Vi hoppas vi ser din bild i flödet!
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